Dominik | Harmaňoš |
Erika | Pindrochová |
Ivana | Kariščáková |
Juraj | Benko |
Jaroslav | Pčola |
Ľubomír | Marcin |
Mária | Kunecová |
Martin | Pauco |
Miroslav | Hirjak |
Miroslava | Prokopova |
Natália | Makarivová |
Natália | Mergová |
Slavomír | Kačmár |
Štefan | Ješko |
Štefan | Parimucha |
Tomáš | Gerboc |
Zuza | Tormová |
63 visual times of minima of 8 eclipsing variables.
Observers of variable stars from all over Slovakia met for the 16th time at the Astronomical Observatory on Kolonicke sedlo. From July 25 to August 3, 2003, the observation expedition “VARIABLE 2003” took place here.
The aim of the expedition was the visual observation of short-period eclipsing binaries in accordance with the B.R.N.O. international observation program, the visual observation of physical variable stars in accordance with the MEDÚZA international observation program, the determination of the minimum moments of eclipsing binaries, the preparation of light curves of changes in the brightness of variable stars, the processing of the observed data into protocol form and preparation of protocols for publication. The results of the observations during the expedition will contribute to the refinement of the parameters of the observed short-period binaries and, in the case of physical variables, will provide information on the current activity of the star.
The expedition, in which 21 observers participated, was expertly led by RNDr. Igor Kudzej, CSc. The event was organized and financially supported by the Slovak Central Observatory in Hurbanov, the Vihorlat Observatory in Humenno, the Slovak Astronomical Society and the Local Organization of the Slovak Union of Amateur Astronomers in Snina. For some of the participants, mostly current and former students of the Gymnasium in Snin, the expedition took place as part of the “Astronomy for Youth” project, which is financially supported by the Children’s Hour grant program of the Slovak Children’s Foundation. The goal of the mentioned project is to provide students with informal education in the field of astronomy, physics, and philosophy through events with an astronomical theme, to create an environment for the all-round development of their abilities, skills and talent, to enable young people to work with telescopes, to teach them the basics of scientific work, and thereby positively influence their personal development.
Observation work takes place in small groups – 3 to 5 observers at one telescope, where the cooperation of the group is essential for a successful observation. Here, more experienced and better individuals are given the opportunity to help beginners and less experienced observers. The observations were attended by: Ľ. Marcin, J. Benko, S. Kačmár, , T. Gerboc, N. Mergová, J. Pčola, N. Makarivová, M. Kunecová, Š. Ješko, M. Pauco, M. Kudzejová, E. Pindrochová, M. Prokopová, I. Kuriščáková, D. Harmaňoš, Z. Tormová,
Since the weather during the 10-day duration of the expedition was quite changeable, 63 variable star logs were processed from the night observations. A walk to the Kolonický Bejvoč swimming pool took place three times.
RNDr. Iveta Gnipová
President of the local group of Slovak Union of Amateur Astronomers in Snina