2017 – Kolonica 17 – 26 July


BartłomiejDębskiJagiellonian University1
StanislavSavastruOdessa Richelieu Lyceum1
DmytroTvardovskyiOdessa Richelieu Lyceum1
GrzegorzSękMOA Niepołomice2
TomášMedulkaVihorlatská hvezdáreň2
KarolinaHałysYouth Astronomical Observatory in Niepolomice2
KlaudiaZiębaLubomir Observatory2
MarcinCikałaLubomir Observatory3
KaterynaAndrychOdessa Mechnikov National University3
VadymPovorinOdessa Mechnikov National University3
PavolDubovskýVihorlatská hvezdáreň4
JurajDankoGymnázium Snina4
VladyslavaMarsakovaOdessa Mechnikov National University5
YelyzavetaAndrychOdessa school N 865
IgorKudzejVihorlatská hvezdáreň6


The astrocamp was organized by the Vihorlat Observatory with the support of the Slovak Central Observatory in Hurbanovo. Co-organizers were Podduklianske Educational Centre in Svidník, Gmina Wisniowa, Slovak Association of Astronomers, Faculty of Natural Sciences of UPJŠ in Košice, Non-investment fund Teleskop. The event took place from 17 to 26 July 2017. A diverse group of people from Slovakia, Poland and Ukraine met here, whose common interest is variable stars. The 20 participants included professional astronomers, astronomy students, but also amateur astronomers and members of astronomy clubs from high schools.

Since 2011, the content of the Variable astrocamp has been to solve research tasks that participants choose from the offered list. This format has been slightly modified. The role of technicians to provide researchers with observational material has been strengthened. Research tasks were predominantly tied to specific telescopes. The observatory at Kolonica Saddle provided 6 telescopes for astrocamp purposes, on which 6 research tasks were solved. In addition, two private devices of the participants themselves were used. The binoculars were really fully utilized. Of the nine nights of astrostasis, on seven some observations were done. The weather was really good for only four nights, but the hunt for data drove participants to take advantage of even short-term gaps in clouds. Observation and processing took a lot of time. There was not much time left for theoretical evaluation. Nevertheless, the level of final presentations by each team was high.

At the Variable astrocamp, it is customary to award the Jindřich Šilhán Prize for an exemplary approach to observing variable stars. It was not easy to choose one laureate. Finally, Dmytro Tvardovskyi, a student of the lyceum in Odessa, was awarded. The organizers especially appreciated the progress and personal growth he has seen since his last participation in Variable in 2015.

RNDr. Igor Kudzej, CSc.

Director of the Vihorlat Observatory in Humenné